Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Human Tower Building-Goal setting and Management

Goal Setting

Goal setting is the process of deciding what you want to accomplish and devising a plan to achieve the desired result. Hence goal setting is a two part process. For effective goal setting, you need to do more than just decide what you want to do; you also have to work at accomplishing whatever goal you have set for yourself.

One way to accomplish the set goal is to make SMART acronym a part of my implementation.


 Human Tower Building

This exercise was performed live by my classmates and they were successful in building a human tower with 5 people, making sure that load was distributed as evenly as possible among the participating members - this was very important learning from this exercise.

The goal set was of 4 students but the students were able to construct with 5 students. The very first benefit I observed out of the exercise is that even if the task was very difficult if done alone, in a team everyone supports everybody else and if done effectively it could be made very smooth increasing efficiency hence achieving excellence. Other learning from these aforementioned exercises is cohesiveness. Cohesiveness should not only be maintained among the team members but with other teams as well, these individual teams are in fact a member of an organization.

When a team is selected for a project in a company, manager puts utmost focus on the assignment of the task; this is important keeping in mind that everyone has different skill sets. This is also applicable when a new person is assimilated in the team, in the beginning other team members would have to bear more load just like two persons at the two ends of valley had to bear more load when the middle person was crossing the valley. Risk minimization is another major outcome out of teamwork. We as humans are prone to making mistakes, and mistakes can be minimized when working in a team. When a new person joins a company, he/she is assigned a mentor/supervisor to due to this reason.

The proper distribution of load was another important factor which need to understood and taken into account. The load needs to be properly balanced between all the people so as to reduce the chances of bottlenecks in the structure. The way the risk was minimized by the help of the structure was excellent to be observed. The excellence which is the product of effectiveness and efficiency can be achieved with the teamwork and risk minimization. Even in the case of any particular company the risk need to be minimized within a team in order to achieve the best results.

1 comment:

  1. Good write up...

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